And I quote
"Sometime in our life we go through one thing. The moment of our life. We might not even know it, but there it was. The best time of your life and after that it´s all downwards. That one moment. And we spend our remaining time trying to surpass it but we never quite get there. Of course, we still have our hopes up for the future. How are we supposed to know that the best have already been served and we were ignorant enough to fully enjoy? We don´t. So we carry on searching. And then we grow old. We hope, right up untill the very end, we still have that hope of tasting it one last time. And when death comes knocking we shit ourselfes. Going, was that it?
Oh, and, most of these moments people have. They have been on drugs.
What does that tell you about reality?"
Oh, and, most of these moments people have. They have been on drugs.
What does that tell you about reality?"