
Clean sheets. And the smell of stale waiting rooms like in every dentist reception you could imagine. The hotel feeling of someone, some stranger, slept in this bed right before you did. And when you get declared healthy enough, when you´re cured, someone else will take your place.


You could ask me and I would not be able to tell you. But I´m alone in here and the nurses and doctors and what you would call my family had all stopped knocking. Had given up calling through the door. Begging me to open up. To unlock the door and let them in. You need help they´d say. It´s time for your medication. Before people give you medicine, they have to convince you you´re sick.


So they gave up. I can still hear people outside coming and leaving. To check if I´ve changed my mind and decided to give in to my state and to do what they tell me to. To accept. That´s all some of these people keep telling me. I have to accept this and that. Drugs going into my system through tubes into my arms. Those people in white robes, clean hands and friendly faces. Their sweet salesman smiles.


This nurse. The one who treated me at first, before they had her replaced on her own initiative. Oh how she loved to talk. And that would be fine and all. Any sane person loves a good conversation, right? But she. She does not talk to you as much as she kicks the words into your face. There was something with her. The way she moved. Wobbled. Her voice, like ten thousand fingernails on a blackboard. Her hyena laugh, everything about her - you could tell a mistake had been made.


Then came the other. The replacement nurse. Pushing me around. Threatening me with some Mephistophelian horror if I did not behave. She even lifted me clean of the ground once, last time I tried to leave, and shoved me back down into bed. Since then, she insist on jamming the thermometer up my dirt hole. A real nurse Ratchet. I think I love her.


You would think someone would tell you why you´re at some hospital. If it weren't for all the people bothering me, I'd stay. I have food here. Not good food, but there is a lot of it. There is a TV in my room with channels I don´t have at home. But then some kid walks in.


All young and pimpled. Dressed in this black shirt with some angry guy screaming right at me. Stuff in his nose and ears and everywhere. He did not even bother to not have holes in his pants when he came by.


He´d sit by my bed all concerned and ask how I was and stuff like that.


And when I asked, he´d simply say, "Well, I´m your son, dad."


"The hell you are."


All those people. The doctors. The nurses. A shrink and even a guy claiming to be a priest. They all insisted on telling me these things about me.


How I lived my life all alone. My wife, they tell me, died last fall. Cancer. They even bothered to get some calamity in here telling me we were related.


And why would they do this you ask?


I don´t know. But I do know this, you don´t want to be cured if the disease makes you happy.

Postat av: Sharelle

Nice twist at the end.

2011-06-13 @ 16:44:50
Postat av: Rasmus

Skrivarkurssuperpolare här. Dags för konstruktiv kritik!

Det hela känns väldigt fragmentariskt. Jag tror att det har att göra med hur du använder punkter. Första två meningarna borde t.ex. vara en, tycker jag. "Clean sheets and the smell[...]"

Det och dina idiom är lite... trasiga?

"The hotel feeling of someone, some stranger, slept in this bed right before you did." borde vara "THAT hotel feeling[...]HAVING slept[...]"

"Those people in white robes, clean hands and friendly faces. Their sweet salesman smiles."

"[...]WITH THEIR clean hands and friendly faces" (syftningsfel).

"But she" skall vara "But her."

"They even bothered to get some calamity in here telling me we were related."

Den här fattar jag inte över huvud taget. :/

Äh, jag skulle kunna fortsätta, men jag börjar känna mig lite arrogant, och dessutom ser jag så mycket jag skulle kunna peka på att det kanske krävs lite mer än en bloggkommentar för att reda ut. Är du jättesugen på att höra vad jag tycker, så säg till så drar jag fram virtuella rödpennan och går loss.

Sen skriver jag något som du kan slita i stycken så blir det någon sorts jämvikt här i världen.

2011-06-13 @ 16:52:08
Postat av: Sanna Håkansson

Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska säga mer än "wow". Sättet du skriver på, hur du medvetet varierar meningslängden för att få läsaren att stanna till vid vissa partier, närvaron i texten som drar in läsaren. Slutar med en mening som får en att tänka till och som för mig fick mig att läsa texten en gång till med den meningen i bakhuvudet.

Sjukt bra, tack för att jag fick ta del av detta :)

2011-06-13 @ 17:02:24
Postat av: Jenders

Jag älskar din mörka och ibland smutsiga syn på världen och denna har allt. Din bästa so far om jag får säga mitt! Riktigt bra Emil..i love it...I mean really loved this one!


2011-06-18 @ 11:47:28
URL: http://www.jenders.se

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